11 Unique ways to use Instagram for customer service

In today’s digital age, social media has become an essential tool for businesses to connect with their customers and provide excellent customer service.

In fact, a recent survey found that 72% of customers expect a response from a business within an hour of reaching out on social media. Instagram, in particular, has become a popular platform for businesses to interact with their followers and offer support. With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram provides a vast audience for businesses to engage with and an opportunity to deliver top-notch customer service.

In this article, we’ll explore the unique ways that businesses can use Instagram to provide exceptional customer service to their followers.

How can Instagram be used for customer service

1. Direct messaging for quick resolution of customer issues

Instagram’s direct messaging feature allows businesses to have private conversations with individual customers. This can be a great way to address specific customer concerns or issues in a more personal manner.

When using this feature for customer service, it’s important to be timely and responsive and to communicate clearly and effectively.

2. Responding to comments and reviews on Instagram posts

Monitoring comments and reviews on your business’s Instagram account is crucial for providing excellent customer service. When a customer takes the time to leave a comment or review, it’s important to acknowledge and respond to their feedback, whether it’s positive or negative.

When responding to customer feedback on Instagram, it’s important to be courteous, professional, and helpful.

3. Utilizing Instagram stories for customer service

Instagram stories allow businesses to share short, ephemeral updates with their followers. This can be a great way to provide quick customer service updates or answer frequently asked questions.

To use Instagram stories effectively for customer service, it’s important to be timely, informative, and engaging.

Also Read:- How to add multiple videos to one Instagram story

4. Creating a customer service-focused Instagram account

Some businesses choose to create a separate Instagram account specifically for customer service. This allows them to keep customer service conversations separate from their regular content and makes it easier for customers to find the help they need.

When setting up and managing a customer service-focused Instagram account, it’s important to be responsive, informative, and professional.

5. Instagram Live for real-time customer support

Instagram Live allows businesses to host real-time video conversations with their followers. A Q&A session or customer service session is a great way for businesses to address customer questions and concerns in real time.

To host a successful customer service session on Instagram Live, it’s important to be prepared, engaging, and responsive to viewer questions and comments.

6. Utilizing Instagram’s shopping feature for customer support

Instagram’s shopping feature allows businesses to tag products in their posts and stories, making it easy for customers to learn more about a product and make a purchase. This feature can also be used to provide product support, as customers can easily access product information and ask questions about a specific product.

To use Instagram’s shopping feature for customer service, it’s important to be knowledgeable about your products.

7. Instagram hashtags for customer service

Many businesses create unique hashtags for their products or services, which customers can then use to share feedback and reviews. This allows businesses to easily track and respond to customer feedback on Instagram.

When using hashtags for customer service, it’s important to choose hashtags that are relevant, unique, and easy to remember.

8. Instagram polls for gathering customer feedback

Instagram polls allow businesses to gather quick feedback from their followers on various topics. This can be a great way to get a pulse on customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

When using Instagram polls for customer feedback, it’s important to ask clear, concise questions and to analyze the results carefully.

9. Collaborating with influencers for customer service

Partnering with influencers can be a great way for businesses to reach new customers and provide excellent customer service on Instagram. When collaborating with influencers for customer service, it’s important to choose influencers who are a good fit for your brand and to clearly communicate your customer service goals and expectations to the influencer.

By leveraging the reach and influence of influencers, businesses can effectively connect with new audiences and provide an exceptional customer experience on Instagram.

10. Creating Instagram highlight reels to showcase customer reviews and testimonials

Instagram’s highlight feature allows businesses to create collections of their posts and stories and feature them prominently on their profile page. By creating highlight reels that showcase customer reviews and testimonials, businesses can create a visual representation of the positive experiences that customers have had with their products or services. This can be a powerful tool for building trust and credibility with potential customers.

11. Using Instagram’s “Ask Me a Question” feature for customer support

Instagram’s “Ask Me a Question” feature allows businesses to create posts that allow followers to submit questions for the business to answer. This can be a great way for businesses to address common customer questions or concerns and provide helpful information to their followers. By regularly checking and responding to questions submitted through this feature, businesses can provide timely and personalized customer support on Instagram.


By utilizing the unique features and tools available on the platform, businesses can effectively respond to customer inquiries and concerns, gather valuable feedback, and build stronger relationships with their followers. Whether you’re using direct messaging, Instagram stories, or Instagram’s shopping feature, there are many ways to provide top-notch customer service on Instagram.

By staying up-to-date on the latest features and best practices for customer service on the platform, businesses can continue to evolve their customer service strategy and provide an exceptional experience for their customers on Instagram.


Can I use Instagram to host customer service Q&A sessions?

Yes, Instagram Live allows businesses to host real-time video conversations with their followers. A Q&A session or customer service session is a great way for businesses to address customer questions and concerns in real time. This can be an effective way to provide personalized and timely customer support on Instagram.

Can I use Instagram to gather customer feedback?

Yes, businesses can use Instagram polls to gather quick feedback from their followers on various topics. This can be a great way to get a pulse on customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. Instagram’s “Ask Me a Question” feature also allows businesses to create posts that allow followers to submit questions, which can be a useful way to gather customer feedback and insights.

Can I use Instagram to track customer inquiries and complaints?

Yes, businesses can use Instagram’s notification feature to stay up-to-date on comments and reviews left on their posts and stories. This can be a useful tool for tracking customer inquiries and complaints and allows businesses to quickly respond to customer feedback and address any issues that may arise.

How do I impress a customer on Instagram?

There are several ways that businesses can impress customers on Instagram:

  • Respond quickly and efficiently to customer inquiries and complaints
  • Provide personalized and helpful customer support
  • Share valuable and informative content that adds value to the customer’s experience
  • Utilize Instagram’s shopping feature to make it easy for customers to learn about and purchase products
  • Show appreciation for customer loyalty and support

What are 3 ways you can display good customer service on Instagram?

Some ways that businesses can display good customer service on Instagram include:

  • Responding promptly and professionally to customer inquiries and complaints
  • Providing personalized and helpful support to customers
  • Sharing valuable and informative content that adds value to the customer’s experience

Showing appreciation for customer loyalty and support through engagement and recognition on the platform.

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