How to hide your Last Seen time on Snapchat 2023

Snapchat’s Snap Map feature allows your friends to see your location and last seen time. However, you may want to hide this information for privacy reasons. The good news is that Snapchat has an inbuilt option called Ghost Mode, which hides your location and last seen time from your Snapchat friends.

Our step-by-step guide provides five easy steps to turn off Snap Map and enable Ghost Mode. By following our guide, you can ensure your privacy on Snapchat and keep your location and last seen time hidden from your friends.

Also Read:- Snapchat user facing error when adding friends problem solved

How to See Someone’s Location & last seen on Snapchat

If your open the chat of your friend on Snapchat then below their name you’ll be able to see their location & last seen. Now, this feature will not work if they have to turn it off from their end. The feature is called ghost mode which hides your last seen time & location from your Snapchat friends.

How to hide your Last Seen time on Snapchat

How to hide your Last Seen time on Snapchat

Here are the 5 steps to turn off Snapchat’s Snap Map Feature:

Step 1: Open the Snapchat app & tap on the profile icon at the top left corner.

How to hide your Last Seen time on Snapchat

Step 2: In your profile, tap on the Settings icon at the top right corner.

How to hide your Last Seen time on Snapchat

Step 3: Scroll down in settings & tap on the See My Location option under the ‘Privacy control’ section.

How to hide your Last Seen time on Snapchat

Step 4: Turn on the toggle next to Ghost Mode.

How to hide your Last Seen time on Snapchat

Step 5: Choose the “Until turned off” option. Now until ghost mode is enabled, your friends can’t see your location & last seen.

How to hide your Last Seen time on Snapchat

Can I hide my last seen on Snapchat?

Yes, you can easily hide your last seen on Snapchat. You get an inbuild option for that.

Can you see when someone was last active on Snapchat?

Yes, Snapchat shows the last active status below the name when you open the chat. Now if someone disabled it then it won’t be visible to anyone.

Why does Snapchat say last seen?

It means this is the time when the user has last time seen the Snapchat app.

How can you tell if someone is active on Snapchat without their location?

You can tell if someone is active on Snapchat. For this open, the chat of the person & it’ll shows the last active status below the name. You may not see this if someone disabled it.

How can you tell if someone is looking at your Snapchat?

Currently, there is no way to see who has viewed your Snapchat location. We can hope that we’ll get this kind of feature in the future.

How can I tell if my husband has Snapchat?

The easiest way to know if your husband is on Snapchat is by searching his name. Simply go to the “explore bar” at the top and type in their name. If you got some mutual friends then it’ll appear at the top of the search results.

How can you tell if someone is ignoring you on Snapchat?

If someone stays online, sending snaps or posting stories, then it means they are active on Snapchat. But if they are not responding to your messages then it means they are trying to ignore you.

How can you tell if someone is in ghost mode?

There is no direct way to know that. All you can do is guess by studying thru behavior. If your friend is regularly sending snaps or posting stories, & if he usually shares their location & immediately stops sharing that then it can mean that they have enabled the ghost mode.

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